Monday, June 29, 2009

Hot Dogs!

Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs are on sale at Albertson's for .98 cents. This does not include the reduced fat...but still a great deal! Sale ends Tuesday.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Chicken, Pasta Sauce.....

Smith's is having a few great sales this week
The following you need to buy 10 of in any combination. For example 10 sauces. or 5 sauces, 3 Cheetos and 2 cheerios
Ragu Pasta Sauce - $1.37 a jar! Compared to Walmart, that is a 50 cent savings per jar!
Cheetos and Frito's -$1.38 for a big bag. Usually they are $2.50
Cheerios, Lucky Charms, Reese PB Puffs, Multi Grain Cheerios in the Large box -1.99!! This is a huge savings!
Butter-1.66. This is about the same as Costco
The above items are the ones on the buy 10 sale. There are lots more on the sale but these are the ones that caught my eye

Tyson Whole Chickens-.69 cents a lbs. I have seen them as low as .59 but usually they are .99
Kroger Chicken Breasts frozen 4lbs bag-5.99!!! That is about 1.50 a lbs which is a great savings
Hershey Candy Bars 3/$1

Taco Bell Re fried Beans-.50 a can. I think they are .75 at Walmart

DiGiorno Pizza $4.50. Usually it's around 5.50-6.50 a pizza

Yoplait Yogurt-.44 cents. Usually .50 to .60 cents
Cherries-1.88. Usually around 3-4 dollars a lb

SunFlower Market
Raspberries-.88 for 6 oz. Usually 2.50
Peaches, Nectarines and Apricots-.59 cents a lb. Usually about .79

You can price match all of these items at Walmart if you don't want to go running around town. Just bring in the ads that you got in the mail, and when you check out, just let them know before they scan it. I have done this probably 5 times and have only been asked to see the ad once. It's great!
Enjoy and happy shopping!